Shiji Enterprise Platform guarantees flexibility by setting up a small number of zones to reflect bespoke requirements in each area. Hotels are created last, and then only connected to applicable configuration zones.
By setting up a small number of zones and creating hotels last to connect to the applicable configuration zones, users can efficiently set up new properties in minutes versus days.
After implementation, there is simplified ongoing central updating because hotel configuration is linked, not copied.
The concept of cloud-deployed microservices and event-driven architecture (EDA) ensures fast connectivity and low latency. Additionally, deployment is de-centralized in multiple locations, rather than on-premise.
Full data protection compliance regarding ISO27001, GDPR, CSL and others.
GDPR consumer rights including consent management and [automated] consent execution.
Physical personal data storage based on local legal requirements, including gaming law and other similar laws.
Unified API for single global profile, regardless of physical storage, including match and merge.
Yes, we safely allow security (SSO) integration with customer systems.
API-First ensures real-time and seamless accessibility by any application. Furthermore, it allows for full customization - for example, in terms of UI.
We currently offer 700+ APIs.
Storage and access are handled via separate API layers. This ensures profiles are stored in their appropriate jurisdiction while global data access is handled based on profile replicates. Furthermore, hotel chain-owned profiles are stored separately from partner-owned profiles.
Any application can seamlessly access profiles in real-time via the API.